I am one of those people that completely forgets about my feet and then I am utterly horrified once summer comes. And I am not alone!
The Emjoi Micro Pedi is my new best friend! It is the easiest and most effective way to get baby soft feet. Emjoi’s Micro Pedi has a micro-mineral roller that is extremely effective at removing rough, dry skin compared to a pumice stone. My feet have been really rough and hard lately so I was excited to see if it actually works. I put two batteries into the slots, and put the roller again my dry skin. I gently moved the Micro Pedi up and down my foot against my dry skin. After just one use I noticed the difference in the look of my skin. The amount of dead skin that came off my feet shocked me. When I felt them, they were so soft. I started using it daily in the evenings After a week of use, I have noticed the appearance of my dry skin looks so much better. The Micro Pedi has definitely improved my skin on my feet, they feel (and look) normal again.Another plus was no pain at all. It just created a tickling sensation - as I have ticklish feet. It has been three days since I last used it and my feet are still very soft and smooth!! Sorry Ped Egg you are being replaced. :)
So ladies, get out and start taking care of yourfeet! Your shoes & boyfriends will thank you for it! If you use it, comment below and tell me what you think.
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